About Us

At deniselamp.com, we believe that lighting is more than just a functional necessity - it's an essential element of style and atmosphere in any space. That's why we're passionate about providing our customers with high-quality, innovative lighting solutions that combine form and function in beautiful ways. Our brand story begins with a simple idea: to create a destination for lamp and lantern enthusiasts, where they can discover unique and inspiring designs that are both affordable and high-quality. We started small, sourcing lamps and lanterns from a variety of sources and curating a selection that we knew our customers would love. As we grew, we focused on building relationships with manufacturers and designers who shared our vision for innovative and beautiful lighting. We worked tirelessly to find products that were not only visually stunning, but also energy-efficient and environmentally responsible. Today, our website is a go-to destination for anyone who wants to elevate their space with stunning lighting solutions. From sleek and modern designs to classic and elegant pieces, we offer something for every taste and style. But we're more than just a retailer - we're a community of lighting enthusiasts who are passionate about creating beautiful spaces. We're constantly on the lookout for new trends and designs, and we love sharing our knowledge and expertise with our customers. At our lamp and lanterns website, we believe that lighting has the power to transform any space, and we're dedicated to helping our customers create spaces that are both beautiful and functional.

Company:Deniselamp inc
Contact us for anything

Email: support@deniselamp.com

Tel:‪ 657 247 9027

Working Time:

Monday to Saturday: 9am - 10pm
Sunday: 10am - 6pm EST
5468 Segundo Dr,
Loveland Colorado 80538,
United States